Join me through my life as a skier, having fun, training, shooting, travelling, comps...

25 November 2010


I`m so sorry for my late post! But I had the very great idea to make pictures with a camera which needs photo films. What ever the camera has got a fish eye :o).

Last saturday in the early morning Silvan Jäger, Andreas Burri, Tom Kobel, Fabian Kronig and I flied from Zürich Airport to London Heathrow. There we had about a 5 hour stay. So we have had enough time to play games and take some power naps.

Silvan, Fabian and me playing some games.
Tom and Andreas taking some power naps.

In the begining of the afternoon the flight started to America. After again 10 hours of flight, we finaly get to Denver. With our rent car we were driving to Breck.

 Fabian and Andreas
Andreas, Fabian and me

So, now we are in Breck for skiing. I`m doing some training for the Dew Tour in the middle of December. Next time you will see some skiing pics. I promise! And I will try, that it doesn`t takes so long again for my next post.

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